Announcement to Shareholders

The Grant of Those Rights to Allow Shareholders' Proposal


Thai Union Group Public Company Limited (“the Company”) values Good Corporate Governance and supports shareholders’ engagement. Therefore, prior to the 2025 Annual General Meeting, the Company has set up the criteria to allow the shareholders to propose the agenda and to nominate the candidate for directorship in advance. By this mean, it will ensure that the agenda will be delicately selected and truly beneficial to the Company and the qualified candidate will be selected and able to perform his or her duties effectively to attain the highest benefits of the Company and the stakeholders and also to affirm the conformity to the Good Corporate Governance.



1. Qualification

Shareholders who would like to propose an agenda for the Annual General Meeting or to nominate the candidate as a director must possess the following qualifications:

  • 1.1 Must be the Company’s shareholder(s), with continuous holding of minimum shares in an amount of 0.5 percent of the total voting rights of the Company (>21.27 million shares) either by one or several shareholders combined.
  • 1.2 Must hold those shares continuously as stipulated in 1.1 for at least 12 months by the date the shareholders propose the item on the agenda and must still be holding the shares on the date the AGM takes place.
  • *Please note that, if, after the Company having checked the name of the shareholder(s) on Record Date and it does not appear that such shareholder(s) is qualified with the conditions. The Company reserves the right not to propose the agenda or the candidate to the Shareholders Meeting for consideration even though the same has been included in the notice of the Shareholders Meeting.

2. Proposing a meeting agenda

The shareholders, fully qualified as in criteria No.1, can propose the agenda for the 2025 Annual General Meeting by proceeding as follows;

  • 2.1 Fill out the “Proposed Agenda for 2025 Annual General Meeting Form” and submit it with other supplementary documents as required by the Company.
  • 2.2 In case where several shareholders, fully qualified as in criteria No.1, would jointly propose the meeting agenda, each of them must fill out the “Proposed Agenda for 2025 Annual General Meeting Form”, sign their names as evidence separately and attach complete supporting documents. Then the forms should be gathered into one set or may send the proposal unofficially through Corporate Secretarial Department’s email address at within the required timeline.
  • 2.3 Reservation
    For an efficient AGM, the Company reserves the right not to include the following matters as the meeting agenda.
    • (1) Matters relating to the normal course of business of the Company.
    • (2) Matters that are beyond the authority of the Company.
    • (3) Matters that shareholder(s) has already proposed in a shareholder meeting during the past 12 months, and those under support by less than 10% of total voting shares, given that the factual events have not changed significantly.
    • (4) Matters proposed by shareholders who are not qualified, or with incomplete, inadequate evidence documentation or an after required timeline.
    • (5) Matters that are not beneficial to the Company.
    • (6) Matters or evidence sufficed by shareholders are incomplete or untrue or ambiguous.
    • (7) Matters lying under management authority of the Company, except the ones causing material impacts on shareholders in general.
    • (8) Matters that violate applicable laws, rules, regulations of the government agencies, or regulatory or involved agencies, or actions not in compliance with the objectives, Articles of Association and good corporate governance of the Company.
    • (9) Matters, as stipulated by laws, for consideration at AGM, which have been pursued regularly by the Company.
    • (10) Matters that the Company has already implemented.

Procedure for consideration of proposing an agenda

The Company Secretary will initially review the proposal and supporting documents in relation thereto before proposing to the Nomination, Remuneration and Corporate Governance Committee, the details are as follows.

  • 1. The Nomination, Remuneration and Corporate Governance Committee will consider the appropriateness and reasonableness of the matters proposed by shareholders before including them in the agenda for consideration by the Board of Directors.
  • 2. If the Board of Directors agrees that the issues are significant or beneficial to the Company or shareholder(s) as a whole, the Board will incorporate those issues in AGM agenda and remark as “agenda from shareholder(s)” in the notice to shareholders together with the opinion of the Board of Directors.
  • In case that the Board of Directors disapproves of the proposal from the shareholder(s), the Board of Directors will inform the reasons to the meeting of shareholders.

3. Proposing a candidate to be nominated as a director

The shareholders, fully qualified as in criteria no.1, can propose the candidate(s) as a director by proceeding as follows.

  • 3.1. Fill out the “Nominated Qualified Candidate as a Director in 2025 Annual General Meeting Form” and completely attach all supporting documents.
  • 3.2 The nominated candidate must fill out the “Bio-data of Nominated Qualified Candidate as a Director in 2025 Annual General Meeting Form” and the “Questionnaire on Qualifications of Nominated Candidate as a Director in 2025 Annual General Meeting”, both of which are completed by the nominated candidate, and other complete supplementary documents as required by the Company.
  • 3.3 In case where several shareholders and fully qualified as in criteria no.1 would jointly nominate a candidate, each of them must fill out the “Nominated Qualified Candidate as a Director in 2025 Annual General Meeting Form”, sign their names as evidence separately and attach the complete supporting documents, then the forms should be gathered into one single set submission or may send the proposal unofficially through Corporate Secretarial Department’s email address at within the required timeline.
  • 3.4 The nominated candidate as a director must not have the prohibited characteristics by relevant laws, regulations and the Company’s Principles of Good Corporate Governance.

Procedure for consideration of nominated candidate as a director

The Company Secretary will gather proposals and supporting documents of the proposed candidate and conduct preliminary qualification checks before proposing to the Nomination, Remuneration and Corporate Governance Committee. The details are as follows:

  • 1. The Nomination, Remuneration and Corporate Governance Committee will consider the qualifications, knowledge, competency, experience of the candidate(s) in connection with skill and expertise required as well as ethics of proposed candidate so that it could promote the board efficiency before proposing to the Board of Directors for consideration.
  • 2. If the Board of Directors agrees that the proposed candidate is qualified to be nominated as a director, the Board of Directors will propose such candidate together with Board of Directors’ opinion in the Appointment of Director Agenda of the AGM for approval and remark as “candidate from shareholder(s)”.
  • In case that the Board of Directors disapproves of the nominated candidate from the shareholder(s), the Board of Directors will inform the reasons to the meeting of shareholders.

4. Submission Period

From Friday 30 August 2024 to Tuesday 31 December 2024

5. Channel for submitting proposals

Deliver the documents together with the evidence specified by the Company. They must be sent to the Company by Tuesday 31 December 2024, to the address below. In the case of delivery in person or by another person, they must be delivered during the Company's working hours, between 8:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. For sending documents by post, the Company will consider the postmark on the envelope no later than 31 December 2024 or may send the proposal unofficially via the Corporate Secretarial's email specified below before sending the original documents to the Corporate Secretarial within the required timeline.

979/12, 32nd Floor, S.M.Tower, Phaholyothin Road,
Phayathai Sub-District, Phayathai District, Bangkok 10400
Or E-mail:

Proposed Agenda for 2025 Annual General Meeting Form
Nominated Qualified Candidate for Directorship in 2025 Annual General Meeting Form
Bio-data of Nominated Qualified Candidate for Directorship in 2025 Annual General Meeting Form
Questionnaire on Qualifications of Nominated Directorship Candidate in 2025 Annual General Meeting
Annual General Meeting of Shareholders for year 2025 (PUBLISHED ON 6 MARCH 2025)

As the meeting of the Board of Directors of Thai Union Group Public Company Limited (the “Company”) No. 1/2025 held on 17 February 2025 resolved to convene the 2025 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders on Tuesday 8 April 2025 at 2:00 p.m. via electronic means (E-Meeting) only which will be broadcast from Thai Union Group PCL., S.M. Tower, Phaholyothin Road, Phayathai, Bangkok. to consider the following agenda.

Agenda 1. To Consider and Acknowledge the Company’ Operational Results for Year 2024
Agenda 2. To Consider and Approve the Financial Statements for the Fiscal Year ended 31 December 2024 and Report of Independent Auditor
Agenda 3. To Consider and Approve the Allocation of Net Profit for 2024 Operational Results
Agenda 4. To Consider and Approve the Election of the Company’s Directors
  1. Ms. Parnsiree Amatayakul (Independent Director)
  2. Dr. Thamnoon Ananthothai (Independent Director)
  3. Mr. Hiroyasu Sato
  4. Mr. Shue Chung Chan
Agenda 5. To Consider and Approve the Remuneration of the Board Members for Year 2025 and the Directors’ Bonus based on the 2024 Operational Results
Agenda 6. To Consider and Approve the Appointment of the Company’s Auditor and fix the Auditing Fee for Year 2025
Agenda 7. To Consider Other Business (If Any)

Should you have any questions concerning the meeting agenda, please submit your questions in advance until Friday 28 March 2025 through the following channels:

1. e-mail address:
2. Fax +66(0) 2298-0553
3. Website:
4. Post: Thai Union Group Public Company Limited (Company Secretary)
No. 979/12, M Floor, S.M.Tower, Phaholyothin Road,
Phayathai Sub-District, Phayathai District, Bangkok
Thailand, Zip code 10400

For mor information, please kindly download full version of AGM 2025 invitation and its supporting documents as follows

Invitation for the 2025 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders
The Articles of Association (only the parts related to the Meeting of Shareholders and the Voting and Counting)
Copy of Financial Statements as of 31 December 2024 (Abridged Version)
Biographies of those nominated for re-election to the Board of Directors of the Company
Information for appointment of the Company’s independent auditor
Regulations for attending the shareholders' meeting by electronic meeting and Guidelines for attending E-Meeting
The Mechanism for Voting via e-Proxy Voting
Profile of independent directors for proxy case
Three types of proxy forms (Please select only one of the three forms)
Privacy Notice
Annual Report (56-1 One Report) for the year 2024
Annual General Meeting of Shareholders for year 2024 (Public on March 7, 2024)

As the meeting of the Board of Directors of Thai Union Group Public Company Limited (the “Company”) No. 2/2024 held on 19 February 2024 resolved to convene the 2024 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders on 9 April 2024 at 2:00 p.m. by electronic meeting means (E-AGM) which will be broadcast from Thai Union Group PCL., S.M. Tower, Phaholyothin Road, Phayathai Sub-District, Phayathai District, Bangkok. to consider the following agendas.

Agenda 1. To consider and acknowledge the Company’s operational results for year 2023
Agenda 2. To consider and approve the financial statements for the fiscal year ended 31 December 2023 and the report of independent auditor
Agenda 3. To consider and approve the allocation of net profit for 2023 operational results
Agenda 4. To consider and approve the election of the Company’s directors
  1. Mr. Kirati Assakul (Independent Director)
  2. Mr. Cheng Niruttinanon
  3. Mr. Rittirong Boonmechote
  4. Dr. Pakapun Leevutinun (Independent Director)
Agenda 5. To consider and approve the remuneration of the Board members for year 2024 and the directors’ bonus based on the 2023 operational results
Agenda 6. To consider and approve the appointment of the Company’s auditors and fix the auditing fees for year 2024
Agenda 7. To consider other business (if any)

Should you have any questions concerning the meeting agenda, please submit your questions in advance until March 22, 2024 through the following channels:

1. e-mail address:
2. Fax +66(0) 2298-0553
3. Website:
4. Post: Thai Union Group Public Company Limited (Company Secretary)
No. 979/12, M Floor, S.M.Tower, Phaholyothin Road,
Phayathai Sub-District, Phayathai District, Bangkok
Thailand, Zip code 10400

For mor information, please kindly download full version of AGM 2024 invitation and its supporting documents as follows

Invitation to the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders for year 2024
Meeting information
Regulations and Guidelines for attending E-AGM
Profile of independent directors and proxy
Privacy Notice
Annual General Meeting of Shareholders for year 2023

As the meeting of the Board of Directors of Thai Union Group Public Company Limited (the “Company”) No.1/2023 held on 20 February 2023 resolved to convene the 2023 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders on 10 April 2023 at 2:00 p.m. by electronic meeting means (E-AGM) which will be broadcast from Thai Union Group PCL., S.M. Tower, Phaholyothin Road, Phayathai, Bangkok. to consider the following agendas.

Agenda 1. To consider and acknowledge the Company’s operational results for the year 2022
Agenda 2. To consider and approve the financial statements for the fiscal year ended 31 December 2022 and the report of independent auditor
Agenda 3. To consider and approve the allocation of net profit for 2022 operational results
Agenda 4. To consider and approve the election of the Company’s directors
  1. Mr. Thiraphong Chansiri
  2. Mr. Nart Liuchareon (Independent Director)
  3. Dr. Thamnoon Ananthothai (Independent Director)
  4. Mr. Nakorn Niruttinanon*
*For Mr. Nakorn Niruttinanon, since he is the new director to replace Mr. Chuan Tangchansiri, his term is only equivalent to the remaining term of Mr. Chuan Tangchansiri.
Agenda 5. To consider and approve the remuneration of the Board members for year 2023 and the directors’ bonus based on the 2022 operational results
Agenda 6. To consider and approve the appointment of the Company’s auditors and fix the auditing fee for year 2023
Agenda 7. To consider and approve the amendment to Clause 52 of the Objectives and the Amendment to Clause 3 of the Memorandum of Association (Objectives)
Agenda 8. To consider and approve the amendment to articles 25, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41 and addition articles 48 of the Company’s Articles of Association
(For support the change and development of technology which allow public limited companies to use electronic means in meetings of the Board of Directors and shareholders)
Agenda 9. To consider other business (if any)

Should you have any questions concerning the meeting agenda, please submit your questions in advance until March 24, 2023 through the following channels:

1. e-mail address:
2. Fax +66(0) 2298-0553
3. Website:
4. Post: Thai Union Group Public Company Limited (Company Secretary)
No. 979/12, M Floor, S.M.Tower, Phaholyothin Road,
Phayathai Sub-District, Phayathai District, Bangkok
Thailand, Zip code 10400

Please kindly download full version of invitation letter to AGM 2023 for more information.

Invitation to the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders for year 2023
Meeting information
Regulations and Guidelines for attending E-AGM
Profile of independent directors and proxy
Request Form for One Report 2022
Annual General Meeting of Shareholders for year 2022

As the Board of Directors of Thai Union Group Public Company Limited in the meeting No.1/2565 resolved to convene the 2022 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders on 4 April 2022 at 2:00 p.m. by electronic meeting platform (E-AGM) which will be broadcast from Thai Union Group PCL., S.M. Tower, Phaholyothin Road, Phayathai, Bangkok. to consider the following agendas.

Agenda 1. To consider and acknowledge the Company’s annual report and the operational results for year 2021.
Agenda 2. To consider and approve the financial statements for the fiscal year ended 31 December, 2021 and the report of independent auditor.
Agenda 3. To consider and approve the allocation of net profit for 2021’s operational results.
Agenda 4. To consider and approve the election of the Company’s directors.

Name of Director Type of Directorship Remarks
Mr. Cheng Niruttinanon Executive Director Continue one more term
Mr. Norio Saigusa Non-Executive Director Change to Mr. Shoichi Ogiwara
Mr. Shue Chung Chan Executive Director Continue one more term
Mrs. Parnsiree Amatayakul Independent Director Continue one more term

Agenda 5. To consider and approve the remuneration of the Board members for year 2022 and the directors’ bonus based on the 2021 operational results.
Agenda 6. To consider and approve the appointment of the Company’s independent auditors and fix the auditing fee for year 2022.
Agenda 7. To consider and approve the offering of new ordinary shares to be issued by i-Tail Corporation PCL. to its directors, executives and/or employees.
Agenda 8. To consider and approve the plans to conduct an initial public offering of i-Tail Corporation PCL. (IPO) and to list shares of i-Tail Corporation PCL. on the Stock Exchange of Thailand.
Agenda 9. To consider other business (if any)

Should you have any questions concerning the meeting agenda, please submit your questions in advance until March 25, 2022 through the following channels:

                Fax: +66(0) 2298-0553

Please kindly download full version of invitation letter to AGM 2022 for more information.

Invitation to the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders for year 2022
Meeting Information
Regulations and the register Form for E-AGM
Profile of independent directors and proxy form
Annual General Meeting of Shareholders for year 2021

As the Board of Directors of Thai Union Group Public Company Limited resolved to convene the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders for year 2021 on 5 April 2021 at 2:00 p.m. by electronic meeting platform (E-AGM) to consider the following agendas.

Agenda 1. To certify the Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders for year 2020.
Agenda 2. To consider and acknowledge the Company’s annual report and the operational results for year 2020.
Agenda 3. To consider and approve the financial statements for the fiscal year ended 31 December, 2020 and the report of independent auditor.
Agenda 4. To consider and approve the allocation of net profit for 2020’s operational results.
Agenda 5. To consider and approve the election of the Company’s directors, as follows:

  1. Mr. Kraisorn Chansiri
  2. Mr. Rittirong Boonmechote
  3. Mr. Kirati Assakul *
  4. Mr. Ravinder Singh Grewal Sarbjit S
Agenda 6. To consider and approve the remuneration of the Board members for year 2021 and the directors’ bonus based on the 2020 operational results.
Agenda 7. To consider and approve the appointment of the Company’s independent auditors and fix the auditing fee for year 2021.
Agenda 8. To consider and approve the Amendment to Article 3 (Objectives) of Memorandum under section 31 of Public Limited Company Act B.E.2535(1992).
Agenda 9. To consider and approve the offering of new ordinary shares to be issued by TFM to its directors, executives and/or employees.
Agenda 10. To consider other business (if any)

Please kindly download full version of invitation letter to AGM 2021 for more information.

Invitation to the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders for year 2021
Meeting Documents
Proxy form and Registration for E-AGM form
Annual General Meeting of Shareholders for year 2020

As the Board of Directors of Thai Union Group Public Company Limited resolved to convene the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders for year 2020 on 16 September 2020 at 2:00 p.m. at Ballroom 1, 4th Floor, Intercontinental Hotel Bangkok, Ploenchit Road, Bangkok. to consider the following agendas.

Agenda 1. To certify the Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders for year 2019.
Agenda 2. To consider and acknowledge the Company’s annual report and the operational results for year 2019.
Agenda 3. To consider and approve the financial statements for the fiscal year ended 31 December, 2019 and the report of independent auditor.
Agenda 4. To consider and approve the allocation of net profit for 2019’s operational results.
Agenda 5. To consider and approve the election of the Company’s directors, as follows:
1. Mr. Thiraphong Chansiri
2. Mr. Chuan Tangchansiri
3. Dr. Thamnoon Ananthothai *
4. Mr. Nart Liuchareon
Agenda 6. To consider and approve the remuneration of the Board members for year 2020 and the directors’ bonus based on the 2019 operational results.
Agenda 7. To consider and approve the appointment of the Company’s independent auditors and fix the auditing fee for year 2020.
Agenda 8. To consider and approve the amendments to Articles 24 25 27 and 31 of the Company’s Articles of Association.
Agenda 9. To consider and approve the Amendment to Article 3 (Objectives) of Memorandum under section 31 of Public Limited Company Act B.E.2535(1992).
Agenda 10. To consider other business (if any)

Please kindly download full version of invitation letter to AGM 2020 for more information.

Invitation to the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders for year 2020
Meeting Documents
Profile Independent Director and Proxy
Map and Guidelines for attending meetings, in regards to the outbreak of the COVID-19
Annual General Meeting of Shareholders for year 2019

As the Board of Directors of Thai Union Group Public Company Limited resolved to convene the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders for year 2019 on April 5, 2019 at 2:00 p.m. at Benjapatchara Room, 2nd Floor, Royal Thai Army Radio and Television Station (TV5), Phaholyothin Road, Phayathai, Bangkok to consider the following agendas.

Agenda 1. To certify the Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders for year 2018.
Agenda 2. To consider and acknowledge the Company’s annual report and the operational results for year 2018.
Agenda 3. To consider and approve the financial statements for the fiscal year ended 31 December, 2018 and the report of independent auditor.
Agenda 4. To consider and approve the allocation of net profit for 2018’s operational results.
Agenda 5. To consider and approve the election of the Company’s directors.
Agenda 6. To consider and approve the remuneration of the Board members for year 2019 and the directors’ bonus based on the 2018 operational results.
Agenda 7. To consider and approve the appointment of the Company’s independent auditors and fix the auditing fee for year 2019.
Agenda 8. To consider and approve the increase of the limit of bond/debenture/note issuance by the Company and/or its subsidiaries
Agenda 9. To consider and approve the offering of the new ordinary shares, to be issued by Thai Union Feedmill Co., Ltd., to directors, executives and employees of the Company and Thai Union Feedmill Co., Ltd.

Please kindly download full version of invitation letter to AGM 2019 for more information.

Invitation to the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders for year 2019
Meeting Documents
Request Annual Report and Company Visit
Profile Independent Director and Proxy
Annual General Meeting of Shareholders for year 2018

As the Board of Directors of Thai Union Group Public Company Limited resolved to convene the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders for year 2018 on April 5, 2018 at 2:00 p.m. at Benjapatchara Room, 2nd Floor, Royal Thai Army Radio and Television Station (TV5), Phaholyothin Road, Phayathai, Bangkok to consider the following agendas.

Agenda 1. To certify the Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders for Year 2017.
Agenda 2. To consider and acknowledge the Company’s annual report and the operational results for year 2017.
Agenda 3. To consider and approve the financial statements for the fiscal year ended 31 December, 2017 and the report of independent auditor.
Agenda 4. To consider and approve the allocation of net profit for 2016’s operational results.
Agenda 5. To consider and approve the election of the Company’s directors.
Agenda 6. To consider and approve the remuneration of the Board members for year 2018 and the directors’ bonus based on the 2017 operational results.
Agenda 7. To consider and approve the appointment of the Company’s independent auditors and fix the auditing fee for year 2018.
Agenda 8. To consider and approve the Amendment to Article 3 (Objectives) of Memorandum under section 31 of Public Limited Company Act B.E.2535 (1992).
Agenda 9.To consider other business (if any)

Determine the record date on which shareholders have the right to attend the shareholders’ meeting and receive dividend fixing the share register book closing date on March 7, 2018.

Should you have any questions concerning the meeting agenda, please submit your questions in advance to the Company’s e-mail address: or Fax. 0-2298-0553.

Kindly attend the meeting on the date, at the time and venue mentioned above. In order to accelerate and facilitate the registration process for attending the shareholders’ Meeting, it is kindly requested that the shareholders and/or the proxies bring the Proxy Form and documents confirming the right to attend the meeting in the presence to the registration staff on the meeting date from 12.00 p.m. onwards.

Please kindly download full version of invitation letter to AGM 2017 for more information.

Invitation to the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders for year 2018
Meeting Documents
Request Annual Report and Company Visit
Profile Independent Director and Proxy
Annual General Meeting of Shareholders for year 2017

As the Board of Directors of Thai Union Group Public Company Limited resolved to convene the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders for year 2017 on April 5, 2017 at 2:00 p.m. at Benjapatchara Room, 2nd Floor, Royal Thai Army Radio and Television Station (TV5), Phaholyothin Road, Phayathai, Bangkok to consider the following agendas.

Agenda 1. To certify the Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders for Year 2016.
Agenda 2. To consider and acknowledge the Company’s annual report and the operational results for year 2016.
Agenda 3. To consider and approve the financial statements for the fiscal year ended 31 December, 2016 and the report of independent auditor.
Agenda 4. To consider and approve the allocation of net profit for 2016’s operational results.
Agenda 5. To consider and approve the election of the Company’s directors.
Agenda 6. To consider and approve the remuneration of the Board members for year 2017 and the directors’ bonus based on the 2016 operational results.
Agenda 7. To consider and approve the appointment of the Company’s independent auditors and fix the auditing fee for year 2017.
Agenda 8.To consider other business (if any)

Determine the record date on which shareholders have the right to attend the shareholders’ meeting and receive dividend on March 8, 2017 and fixing the share register book closing date for collecting shareholders names under Section 225 of the Securities and Exchange Act B.E. 2535 on March 9, 2017.

Should you have any questions concerning the meeting agenda, please submit your questions in advance to the Company’s e-mail address: or Fax. 0-2298-0553

Kindly attend the meeting on the date, at the time and venue mentioned above. In order to accelerate and facilitate the registration process for attending the shareholders’ Meeting, it is kindly requested that the shareholders and/or the proxies bring the Proxy Form and documents confirming the right to attend the meeting in the presence to the registration staff on the meeting date from 12.00 p.m. onwards.

Please kindly download full version of invitation letter to AGM 2017 for more information.

Invitation to the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders for year 2017
Meeting Documents
Request Annual Report and Company Visit
Profile Independent Director and Proxy
Annual General Meeting of Shareholders for year 2016
Invitation to the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders for year 2016
Meeting Documents
Profile Independent Director and Proxy
Request Annual Report and Company Visit
Annual General Meeting of Shareholders for year 2015
Invitation to the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders for year 2015
Meeting Documents
Profile Independent Director and Proxy
Request Annual Report and Company Visit
Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders No. 1/2558 (2015)
Invitation to the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders No. 1/2558 (2015)
Annual General Meeting of Shareholders for year 2014
Invitation to the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders for year 2014
Meeting Documents
Proxy and Request Annual Report Form
Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders No. 1/2557 (2014)
Invitation to the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders No. 1/2557 (2014)
The Articles of Association
Annual General Meeting of Shareholders for year 2013
Invitation to the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders for year 2013
Minutes of Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders No. 1/2013
Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders No. 1/2556 (2013)
Invitation to the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders No. 1/2556 (2013)
The Articles of Association
Annual General Meeting of Shareholders for year 2012
Invitation to the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders for year 2012
Information for Shareholder Meeting
Proxy Type A
Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders No. 1/2012
Invitation to the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders No. 1/2012
Report of Capital Increase
Proxy Type A
Minutes of Annual General Meeting 2024
Minutes of Annual General Meeting 2023
Minutes of Annual General Meeting 2022
Minutes of Annual General Meeting 2021
Minutes of Annual General Meeting 2020
Minutes of Annual General Meeting 2019
Minutes of Annual General Meeting 2018
Minutes of Annual General Meeting 2017
Minutes of Annual General Meeting 2016
Minutes of Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders No. 1/2015
Minutes of Annual General Meeting 2015
Minutes of Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders No. 1/2014
Minutes of Annual General Meeting 2014
Minutes of Annual General Meeting 2013
Minutes of Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders No. 1/2012
Minutes of Annual General Meeting 2012
Minutes of Annual General Meeting 2011
Minutes of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders No. 1/2553 (2010)
Minutes of Annual General Meeting of Sharholders for the Year 2010
Minutes of Annual General Meeting of Sharholders for the Year 2009
Minutes of Annual General Meeting of Sharholders for the Year 2008
Minutes of Annual General Meeting of Sharholders for the Year 2007
Minutes of Annual General Meeting of Sharholders for the Year 2006
Interim Dividend Payment (Dated 7 - 9 August 2024)
Invitation to the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders for year 2024 (Dated 27 - 29 March 2024)
Interim Dividend Payment